Thousands of Miles from Home


Host Dad

Listening to some Jazz with my host dad. I have discerned that he likes collecting porcelain dogs and neckties. Although these may appear very mundane activites, he is a very exciting man. He really enjoys his job (internal medecine) and traveled to Okayama the other night for a lecture on hypertension in diabetics. His office is behind our house and he comes in and out of the house during the day. Today he and I took a bike ride to city hall so I will be able to go on my own this Wednesday to meet the mayor of Tomano.
Yesterday, Shun and I took a bus trip to the city of Okayama (sort of the equivalent of going to Pittsburgh from Morgantown). The place is hugem but not as crowded as you might think for Japan. I had to buy a belt so we stopped in a department store and browsed some stores until I finally settled on a plain leather strap.
After shopping and a bit of lunch, Shun and I went to see a movie. While we waited for it to start, we stopped in an arcade. Wow! We played a shooting game that was way ahead of anything I'd seen in america.
The movie Nin/Nin, completely in Japanese. But it was easy to follow because of it's comedic nature. It reminded me of a bad children's comedy movie like Shazzam! with Shaq. But Shun really liked it and I'll admit so did I.


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